Almighty God, you are the giver of every good gift.
Look graciously upon St. Timothy’s and Holy Cross.
Guide the minds, open the eyes, unlock the ears, and extend the hearts of we who shall choose a rector for our beloved parishes. A rector who will pastorally care for its people. And vigilantly equip them for its in-reach and outreach ministries.
Give us grace in our discernment, inspiration in our conversation, and wisdom in our choice. That we may not stumble but journey in your everlasting strength such that we continue to manifest only light in this, your peaceable kingdom.
The Process
In the coming months, and with the guidance of the Diocese of Mississippi and Canon Stephens, our parish will search together for our next leader. St. Timothy's is blessed with a faithful congregation, one full of community spirit and a love for God – a congregation who can draw upon this transition period as a time of reflection and joyful expectation. The search process is a linear one, as outlined below, with each step requiring time and consideration. We invite every member of the St. Timothy's family to join us on this journey. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact the search committee.
Rector Search Committee Members
A diverse search committee is moving steadily through the transition process; committee members are grateful for the chance to serve Saint Timothy's and Holy Cross as it goes through this rite of passage experienced by all parishes.